USACO - nazgul's Blog
Packing Rectangles
/* ID: nazgul12 LANG: C TASK: packrec */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> typedef struct{ int x, y; } st; st s[4], xy, sol[100]; int e[4], used[4] = {0}; int mini = 0x7fffffff, l; void swap( st * t ) { int temp; temp = t->x; t->x = t->y; t->y = temp; } int mmax( int a, int b ) { return a > b ? a : b; } int sum( int l, int r ) { int t = 0, i; for ( i = l; i <= r; ++i ) t += s[e[i]].x; return t; } int max( int l, int r ) { int t = 0, i; for ( i = l; i <= r; ++i ) if ( s[e[i]].y > t ) t = s[e[i]].y; return t; } void solve() { int i; if ( xy.x > xy.y ) swap( &xy ); if ( xy.x * xy.y > mini ) return; if ( xy.x * xy.y < mini ) { l = 0; mini = xy.x * xy.y; } if ( xy.x * xy.y == mini ) { for ( i = 0; i < l; ++i ) if ( xy.x == sol[i].x ) return; } sol[l].x = xy.x; sol[l].y = xy.y; l++; } void test() { xy.x = sum( 0, 3 ); xy.y = max( 0, 3 ); solve(); xy.x = mmax( s[e[0]].x, sum( 1, 3 ) ); xy.y = max( 1, 3 ) + s[e[0]].y; solve(); xy.x = mmax( s[e[0]].x, sum( 1, 2 ) ) + s[e[3]].x; xy.y = mmax( s[e[3]].y, mmax( s[e[1]].y, s[e[2]].y ) + s[e[0]].y ); solve(); xy.x = mmax( s[e[1]].x, s[e[2]].x ) + s[e[0]].x + s[e[3]].x; xy.y = mmax( mmax( s[e[0]].y, s[e[3]].y ), s[e[1]].y + s[e[2]].y ); solve(); if ( s[e[1]].y <= s[e[0]].y && s[e[1]].x >= s[e[2]].x && s[e[0]].x <= s[e[3]].x && s[e[3]].y <= s[e[2]].y ) { xy.x = mmax( s[e[0]].x+s[e[1]].x , s[e[2]].x+s[e[3]].x ); xy.y = mmax( s[e[0]].y+s[e[3]].y , s[e[1]].y+s[e[2]].y ); solve(); } if ( s[e[0]].x <= s[e[1]].x && s[e[2]].x <= s[e[3]].x ) { xy.x = s[e[1]].x + s[e[3]].x; xy.y = mmax( s[e[0]].y+s[e[1]].y, s[e[2]].y+s[e[3]].y ); solve(); } } void dfs( int k ) { int i; if ( k == 4 ) test(); else { for ( i = 0; i < 4; ++i ) if ( used[i] == 0 ) { e[k] = i; used[i] = 1; dfs( k + 1 ); swap( s+i ); dfs( k + 1 ); swap( s+i ); used[i] = 0; } } } int cmp( const void *a, const void *b ) { return ( ( st * )a )->x - ( ( st * )b )->x; } int main() { int i; freopen( "", "r", stdin ); freopen( "packrec.out", "w", stdout ); for ( i = 0; i < 4; ++i ) scanf( "%d%d", &s[i].x, &s[i].y ); dfs( 0 ); printf( "%d\n", mini ); qsort( sol, l, sizeof( sol[0] ), cmp ); for ( i = 0; i < l; ++i ) printf( "%d %d\n", sol[i].x, sol[i].y ); return 0; }
Broken Necklace
Broken Necklace
You have a necklace of N red, white, or blue beads (3<=N<=350) some of which are red, others blue, and others white, arranged at random. Here are two examples for n=29:
1 2 1 2
r b b r b r r b
r b b b
r r b r
r r w r
b r w w
b b r r
b b b b
b b r b
r r b r
b r r r
b r r r
r r r b
r b r r r w
Figure A Figure B
r red bead
b blue bead
w white bead
The beads considered first and second in the text that follows have been marked in the picture.
The configuration in Figure A may be represented as a string of b's and r's, where b represents a blue bead and r represents a red one, as follows: brbrrrbbbrrrrrbrrbbrbbbbrrrrb .
Suppose you are to break the necklace at some point, lay it out straight, and then collect beads of the same color from one end until you reach a bead of a different color, and do the same for the other end (which might not be of the same color as the beads collected before this).
Determine the point where the necklace should be broken so that the most number of beads can be collected.
For example, for the necklace in Figure A, 8 beads can be collected, with the breaking point either between bead 9 and bead 10 or else between bead 24 and bead 25.
In some necklaces, white beads had been included as shown in Figure B above. When collecting beads, a white bead that is encountered may be treated as either red or blue and then painted with the desired color. The string that represents this configuration will include the three symbols r, b and w.
Write a program to determine the largest number of beads that can be collected from a supplied necklace.
INPUT FORMATLine 1: N, the number of beads
Line 2: a string of N characters, each of which is r, b, or w
A single line containing the maximum of number of beads that can be collected from the supplied necklace.
SAMPLE OUTPUT (file beads.out)
Consider two copies of the beads (kind of like being able to runaround the ends). The string of 11 is marked.
wwwbbrwrbrbrrbrbrwrwwrbwrwrrb wwwbbrwrbrbrrbrbrwrwwrbwrwrrb
****** *****
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> char s[701] = {0}, cur, flag; //cur用于标记当前珠子的颜色 int n, pre[701]; int main() { int i, nn, t, k; freopen( "", "r", stdin ); freopen( "beads.out", "w", stdout ); memset( pre, -1, sizeof( pre ) ); scanf( "%d%s", &n, s ); //将s复制成ss for ( flag = cur = i = 0; i < n; ++i ) { s[n+i] = s[i]; //找到最开始的颜色 if ( !cur && s[i] != 'w' ) cur = s[i]; //flag用于标示s是否只有一种颜色 if ( s[i] != s[0] ) flag = 1; } //如果只有一种颜色 if ( !cur || !flag ) { printf( "%d\n", n ); return 0; } //t用于记录当前颜色出现的开始位置 i = 1; t = 0; k = -1; nn = ( n<<1 )-1; //k用于记录w是否可以表示成2种颜色,如果w是在同一种颜色的中间,k为-1,否则k为可以表示成2种颜色的最开始出现的位置 //比如rrwwwb,则要记录最开始w出现的位置 while ( i < nn ) { if ( s[i]=='w' || s[i] == cur ) { if ( k == -1 && s[i] == 'w' ) k = i; else k = -1; i++; } else { pre[i-1] = t-1; cur = s[i]; if ( k != -1 ) { i = k; pre[i-1] = t-1; } t = ++i-1; } } t = 0; for ( i = 0; i < nn; ++i ) if ( pre[i] != -1 ) { k = i - pre[pre[i]]; if ( t < k ) t = k; } printf( "%d\n", t ); return 0; }